Улюблені пісні ансамблю Черемшина

Виконавець: Ансамбль «Черемшина» / Cheremshyna Ensemble
Альбом: Улюблені пісні ансамблю Черемшина / The Best of Cheremsnyna
Видавець: Yevshan Records – CDYFP 1071
Формат: Компіляція, CD-Audio
Рік видання: 1990
Джерело: колекція ukrmusic.online


01Ой у полі криниченька – народна пісня (V2)
By the well in the field – folk song
02Ой там за лісочком – народна пісня (V1)
There beyond the woods – folk song
03Ой хотіла мене мати – народна пісня (V3)
My mother wanted to me to marry a nusician – folk song
04Івана Купала – на підставі нар. пісень, муз. М. Беднарчик (V2)
Ivana Kupala – folk song basis, music and lyrics: M.Bednarczyk
05Гей, пливе кача по Тисині – народна пісня (V3)
On the Tysyna river – folk song
06Стоїть явір – народна пісня (V2)
A maple stands by the water – folk song
07Ой при лужку – народна пісня (V1)
By the meadow – folk song
08 Розійдися туманочку – муз. І.Сльота сл. О.Добахова (V3)
The mist – music: I.Slota, lyrics: O.Dobakhova
09Ой ти місяцю – народна пісня (V1)
Oh, moonlight – folk song
10Порізала’м пальчик – народна пісня (V3)
I cut my finger – folk song
11Ой по горі вітрець повіває – народна пісня (V3)
The wind blows across the mountain – folk song
12Ой прийшла зима – сл. і муз. М. Беднарчик (V2)
Winter – music and lyrics: M.Bednarczyk
13Ой на горі дощ іде – народна пісня (V1)
It’s raining in the mountains – folk song
14Над прозорою криницею – муз. О. Білаш (V1)
Above the crystal springs – music and lyrics: O.Bilash
15Не лай мене моя ненько – народна пісня (V1)
Mother, don’t scold me – folk song
16Ой попід гай зелененький – народна пісня (V2)
By the green meadow – folk song
17Ой послала мати – сл. Народні, муз. М. Беднарчик (V2)
A mother sends her son away – folk lyrics, music: M.Bednarczyk
18Ой вербо, вербо – народна пісня (V3)
Oh, willow, willow – folk song
19Ой болить так головонька – народна пісня (V3)
Oh, how my head aches – folk song
20Через поле широкеє – народна пісня (V3)
Across the wide field – folk song


ЧЛЕНИ АНСАМБЛЮ ЧЕРЕМШИНА: Клавдія Мельник (1-ий альт), Лідія Рудич (2-ий альт) Надія Цвітков (сопран) Марко Беднарчик (гітара), Василь Кінал (V3: бас гітара, акордеон, клявіятури, ударнії.
Також брали участь у виконанні: V1: Андрій Черній, Василь Кінал, Джефрі Ланґ, Павло Гайн V2: Юрко Кулицкий, Роман Когут V3: Ал діБоно.

THE CHEREMSHYNA ENSEMBLE: Claudia Melnyk (1 alto), Lydia Ruditsch (2 alto), Nadine Zwetkow (soprano), Mark Bednarczyk (acoustic guitar), Bill Kinal (bass guitar, accordion, keyboards, percussion).
Also taking part in the recordings: V1: Andrij Czerny, Bill Kinal, Geoffrey D. Lang, Paul Hein V2: Yourko Kulycky, Ron Cahute V3: Al diBuono.

Musical Arrangements by: M. Bednarczyk, A. Czerny, B. Kinal, Y. Kulycky, and the Cheremshyna Ensemble.


Ukrainians around the world have inherited the gift of song as part of their cultural wealth. The Cheremshyna Ensemble, from Montreal, Canada, has combined the tradition of the old world with a distinct North American dimension, giving Ukrainian music a unique, new expression.

The ensemble derives its name from the cheremshyna tree, famous throughout Ukraine for its magnificent white blossoms and its dark blue berries. Like this tree, Ukrainian culture blooms with songs of delicate beauty as well as of dark sorrow.

The main goal of the ensemble has been to preserve and promote Ukrainian music, and to share their priceless heritage with Ukrainian and non-Ukrainians alike. Cheremshyna’s performances have demonstrated that the beauty of Ukrainian song transcends language barriers and appeals to all types of audiences. The unique rhythms, haunting melodies and enchanting harmonies reach the listeners’ hearts. Cheremshyna has been received enthusiastically at numerous intercultural performances throughout Canada.

Cheremshyna is also very well-known among Ukrainians in North America, Europe, and in Ukraine. In Edmonton, in 1988, at the first «Contemporary Music Awards» honoring two decades of outstanding achievement in the Ukrainian recording industry, Cheremshyna was selected as the «Favorite Ensemble in North America». In 1989, the Senate of the State of Illinois adopted a resolution congratulating and commending the members of the ensemble for their «energy, talent, and dedication to their heritage».

Cheremshyna’s recordings: «Sviato Rizdva» A Celebration of Christmas (1981), «Cheremshyna Vol. 1» (1983), «Cheremshyna Vol. 2» (1986), and «Cheremshyna Vol. 3», (1988) are among the most popular on the market, and are heard around the world. Although their repertoire highlights Ukrainian folk songs, it also includes a variety of original and contemporary material.

The ensemble has travelled extensively throughout Canada and the United States, and has appeared at major Ukrainian festivals and cultural events. The diverse musical experiences and abilities of the members of the ensemble enrich the whole, and blend together to create this dynamic and most popular stage and recording ensemble.

The above are available in cassette (CYFP) and record (YFP) format: CHEREMSHYNA VOL. 1 (CYFP 1023, YFP 1023); CHEREMSHYNA VOL 2 (CYFP 1044, YFP 1044); CHEREMSHYNA VOL. 3 (CYFP 1054, YFP 1054).
For information about other Ukrainian CDs and recordings, please write to: YEVSHAN CORPORATION, Box 325, Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 5T8 CANADA

Manufactured and distributed by Yevshan Corporation Box 325 Beaconsfield, Quebec Canada H9W 5T8