Ансамбль «Черемшина»

Ансамбль «Черемшина»

«Черемшина» – один із найпопулярніших українських музичних ансамблів з Канади. В основі репертуару обробки українських народних пісень, пісні українських авторів та власні твори.

Склад ансамблю:

• Клавдія Мельник (Claudia Melnyk) – вокал (1-ий альт)
• Лідія Рудич (Lydia Ruditsch) – вокал (2-ий альт)
• Надія Цвітков (Nadine Zwetkow) – вокал (сопрано)
• Марко Беднарчик (Mark Bednarczyk) – гітара
• Василь Кінал (Bill Kinal) – бас гітара, акордеон, клавішні та ударні інструменти

Ансамбль «Черемшина» організований у 1977 році в м. Монреаль (Квебек, Канада), спочатку, як вокальне тріо у складі Клавдії Мельник, Лідії Рудич та Надії Цвітков. Після успіху платівки «Свято різдва» ансамбль почав активно концертувати. В цей час до ансамблю, як акомпаніатори, долучались музиканти Марко Беднарчук та Василь Кінал.

Ансамбль виступав з концертами на багатьох українських фестивалях і заходах в Північній та Південній Америці. Платівки з записами пісень у виконанні ансамблю: «Свято різдва» (1981), «Черемшина. Vol. 1»(1983), «Черемшина. Vol. 2» (1986) та «Черемшина. Vol. 3» (1988) були надзвичайно популярними не тільки в українських слухачів у Північній Америці, але й з інших континентів.

Ансамбль «Черемшина» і в наш час радує своїми виступами українську громаду в Канаді.

1.На Союзівці продовжується 37-ий вакаційний сезон. Свобода. Український щоденник. 19.07.1990, №136 – с.1.
2.Інформація з поліграфії до альбому «Улюблені пісні ансамблю Черемшина» (Yevshan Records).
3.Cheremshyna Ensemble (ukemonde.com).
4.Фото з обкладинки до платівки «Черемшина. Vol. 3» (Yevshan Records).


MONTREAL – Over the past 18 years Cheremshyna has cultivated a dedicated following of listeners of all ages who appreciate the ensemble’s presentation of Ukrainian music. Cheremshyna has now completed and released its fifth cassette titled, «Along Paths of a Dream».

The Cheremshyna Ensemble of Montreal has harmonized the musical traditions of the Old World with a distinctive North American tone. Having performed extensively before Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian audiences, the ensemble has demonstrated that the beauty of Ukrainian song speaks to the listener’s heart, and thus transcends language barriers.

Cheremshyna has had the honor of performing before such notable dignitaries as the prime minister and the governor-general of Canada, and the Honorable Levko Lukianenko, Ukraine’s first ambassador to Canada.

In lllinois, the State Senate adopted a resolution congratulating and commending the members of Cheremshyna for their «energy, talent and dedication to their heritage.»

In Edmonton, at the First Contemporary Music Awards held in 1988 to honor two decades of outstanding achievement in the Ukrainian recording industry, Cheremshyna was selected as the «Favorite Ensemble» in North America.

The ensemble’s many recordings are heard around the world. In Kyiv, the editor of a Ukrainian cultural journal wrote the following about Cheremshyna: «We are enchanted by the gracefulness, that is to say – the ensemble’s delicate interpretation of Ukrainian song – both traditional and contemporary.»

The ensemble is made up of a trio of female vocalists: Nadine Zwetkow (soprano), Claudia Melnyk (first alto) and Lydia Ruditch (second alto).

Over the last several years, Cheremshyna has been preparing material for its newest recording. Each song was carefully selected and crafted to portray through music the many dreams and longings of the heart. The cradle song «Spy Moya Dytyno,» for example, was made into a brand new composition by delicately interlacing the threads of three precious and traditional lullabies that express the essence of maternal love.

While preserving the integrity of traditional folk songs, the ensemble gracefully marries the old words to new music. «Ne Spala Ya Seyi Nochi» is one extraordinary example that attests to the success of this effort. Another song, «Oy u Luzi,» set within an original contemporary musical score magically captivates young listeners while the words of an old folk song speak to them about the familiar story of family dreams gone awry.

The cassette also includes original songs such as «Smerichka i Kashtan» and «Ukraino» which will add lo the rich treasury of Ukrainian music.

Cheremshyna saw the project through from its inception, which included writing and composing some new material and vocally arranging traditional folk songs, right down to singing, recording, manufacturing and distributing the final product.

«Along Paths of a Dream» was recorded at the well-known Studio Victor, reputed to be Montreal’s finest recording facility, and manufactured in the United States using state of the art technology equal to the highest standards in the industry.

The musical accompaniment on the recording was prepared by Bill Kinal, a professional musician, arranger and sound engineer, and by Luc Gilbert a well-known Quebec musician, arranger, and composer, who counts among his many credits music written for the world famous «Cirque de Soleil.»

The cassette may be purchased from Cheremshyna, 19 Vendome St., Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 3W4; send $10 (U.S.) plus $3 (U.S.) for shipping and handling.

The Ukrainian Weekly, January 14, 1996, No. 2, Vol. LXIV