Тріо «Ластівка» (Торонто, Канада)

Тріо «Ластівка» (Торонто, Канада)

Окремі записи

Тріо «Ластівка» – музичний ансамбль з Канади (м. Торонто), організований у 1976 році.

Склад тріо:

• Надя Коханська (Nadia Kochanska)
• Доня Боровець (Donna Borowec)
• Ким Воробець (Kim Worobec)

Надя Коханська і Доня Боровець раніше були учасницями тріо «Калина» з Торонто.

У 1976 році видано платівку «Дві хмароньки» (Harmony records – HRS 1121) з записами пісень у виконанні тріо «Ластівка». 

В цьому ж році тріо побувало з концертними виступами і за межами Канади. У вересні 1976 року тріо брало участь в українському фестивалі на «Союзівці» (Кергонксон, США).


1. Інформація та фото з поліграфії до платівки «Дві хмароньки» (Harmony records – HRS 1121).
2. Roman Sawycky. «Lastivka» on the Wing. The Ukrainian Weekly, November 20, 1977, №256, стор.- 7.
3. Hutsuls Take Over Soyuzivka, Stage For Program. The Ukrainian Weekly, AUGUST 29, 1976, № 159, стор.- 13.

Тріо «Ластівка» | «Lastivka» | «Lastivky» trio | «Swallow»


«Lastivka» or «Swallow» is the name of a new group (trio) of women’s voices based in Canada, but now on the wing in the form of a new stereo album produced and distributed by the Oriana Corporation, Toronto. The company with Leonid Oleksiuk, producer, has recorded Nadia Kochanska, Donna Worobec (who already gained recognition in the trio «Kalyna») and Kim Worobec in ten numbers consisting of arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs and original pieces.

The singers are joined by conductor Zenoby Lawryshyn, who not only provided orchestral arrangements for the album but also composed four of the songs. Contributing vocal arrangements was Bill Rudy, who, together with Slavko Hryhorsky wias active in the production of the record.

Starting with album design, the liner notes (by Leda Lubynskyj) given in Ukrainian and in English, through to technical and artistic considerations, this first flight of «Lastivka» on record is most pleasing and successful. The album is in Ukrainian and so complete and attractively designed lyrics were added and may be followed during performance. The playing time of each selection and titles are provided in two languages making the album very suitable for radio. The liner notes are thoughtful and bring out the character of the album. According to those notes «the Ukrainian folk song… is a musical expression of the history, culture and soul of a nation… the trio of young singers have captured in their own unique manner, the spirit of the Ukrainian folk song. They combine the traditional with the modern; the nostalgia of the past with the exuberance of the present.»

This reviewer agrees with the above statement because the repertory for recording was well chosen, executed smoothly in attractive style combining folk elements with the more contemporary sound.

The «Lastivka» trio itself sings quite well in a variety of moods. Their appealing, well-controlled voices can be especially appreciated in the reflective sadness of «The Grey Nightingale» because here the trio appears without the customary support of accompaniment, projecting good intonation, dynamics and alertness to the text. Light flirtatiousness is provided by the rhythmic «Hutsul Girl» while humor dominates the popular «Don’t Call on Me» (both in spright arrangements of Bill Rudy).

Original works provided by composer Zenoby Lawryshyn were especially rewarding. Mr. Lawryshyn, known for his work in various genres, shows considerable flair for music with the lighter touch. His «Two Clouds» (text by A. Oles) has wonderfully ethereal harmony and ingenious voicing, while «Under the Red Snowball Tree» (text by P. Hrabovsky) is likewise successful and contains a delightful ending. The song «Mud» (text by A. Oles) is musically engaging but at times it is too consistently light and sunny for Oles’s rather profound message which could be transmitted better by serious program music.

The top number on the album is «The Green Maple Tree» (music by I. Poklad; text by Yu. Rybchynsky; arrangement by Z. Lawryshyn). This features an exuberant cha-cha-like rhythm around which the charming melody is woven with skillful modulations.

It is interesting how the album focuses on the poetry of flight. At least four songs depict clouds, while others describe eagles, nightingales, cranes, ducks and a cuckoo. And even though «zozulenka» has been wrongly translated as «nightingale», birds, clouds and the sun are fine and appropriate company for «Lastivka» on this exemplary record. Theirs is the way to fly.

Roman Sawycky
November 20, 1977, №256
The Ukrainian Weekly