Evening at Verkhovyna
Виконавець: Ihor Shuhan and Bohdan Hirniak Orchestra
Альбом: Evening at Verkhovyna. Popular dancing songs
Видавець: Apon Record – APON 2661
Формат: Альбом, Vinyl, 12″, 33 ⅓ RPM
Дата видання: не зазначено (~ 1973)
Джерело: колекція ukrmusic.online
Сторона 1 | |
01 | MOYI YASENY / Мої ясени / Beautiful Ash Tree |
02 | CYHANOCHKA / Циганочка / Gypsy Girl |
03 | POLONYNO POLONYNO / Полонино полонино / Polonyna |
04 | PRASHCHAY MYLA / Прощай мила / Good-bye Sweetheart |
05 | OI PID VYSHNEYU / Ой під вишнею / By the Cherry Tree |
Сторона 2 | |
06 | KIEVE MIJ / Києве мій / My Kiev |
07 | SHALENI DNI / Шалені дні / It was the Days |
08 | LUBLYU LUBLYU / Люблю люблю / My First Love |
09 | VY MUZYKY HRAYTE / Ви музики грайте / Kolomyjka — Dance |
10 | PRASHCHAYUS ANHEL MIJ / Прощаюсь ангеле мій / Till we Meet Again |
Ihor Shuhan was born in Ukraine. At the end of second World War his parents were forced out of their homeland and together they immigrated to the U.S.A.
lhor began his studies under the direction of Joseph Hirniak and Olympia Dobrovolska. For almost two decades he was an active member of Ukrainian theater and his name was closely associated with many entertaining performances for Ukrainian public.
In sudden and unexpected death of lhor Shuhan, Ukrainian people lost fine and popular artist.
U.W.A. Resort Center «VERKHOVYNA» Glen Spey, N.Y.
Ukrainian Workingmen’s Association’s Verkhovyna Resort Center has become one of the exceptionally delightful vacation lands in the Catskill Mountains. The landscape in which Verkhovyna lies is unique in its beauty and variety. On one side of Lake Verkhovyna, the Hotel and Castle Guest House are resplendent amidst a dark green of woods which stretch for many miles through gentle, billy country. On the other side of the thirteen acre lake, imposing buildings form an essential part of the Hotel galaxy formed by small boulevards whose intimate aspect is provided by romantic lanes.
The Verkhovyna site was chosen because it was tailored to a Carpathian type of environment. Two thousand feet above sea level on one hundred and sixty acres of green meadows, mountain valleys, orchards, gardens, and plateau pastureland. Multi-species forest which affords a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding countryside. In a pleasant climate with a view of natural inland scenery the embracing entrance along the bridged Delaware River is indeed a wondrous depth of beauty that belongs to Verkhovyna.
The Verkhovyna hospitality has a well founded name where guests are treated royally and within no time advance to the status honored friends.
The continuous but sophisticated presentation of cultural-artistic events throughout the summer exemplifies the wealth of intellectual intensity. Choruses, singers, musicians, humorists, actors, and dancing groups are bountiful and sparkle with brill iance each weekend. One of the most impressive landmarks is the unusually styled St. Vladymyr Ukrainian Catholic Church. The memorial grave Brody-Lew across from the Church is dedicated to the valiant men and women who have given their lives in Ukraine’s struggle for independence.
The UWA Resort Center is a fulfillment of an important goal and marks a tremendous achievement on this 64th Anniversary year. The services which have been rendered to the general Ukrainian population through a vacationland and medium should be recognized as humanitarian — and it becomes incumbent for all Ukrainians to join this fraternal to enhance the attainment of proposed goals. Yes — the honor and glory of the past belongs to the pioneers and dedicated UWAites — but with faith, hope, and charity. The future of Verkhovyna will emerge as the most productive and prosperous Ukrainian vacationland center to contain the fine traditions of our founding fathers. Verkhovyna will ultimately become the greatest and most outstanding Ukrainian Resort in America. Home for senior citizens a Ukrainian Orthodox Church, library, Ivan Franko Museum, Taras Shevchenko monument are only a part of the total agenda.
Apon Record Company, Inc.
Recorded during the dance at Verkhovyna, 1972.
Color Photo by Adrew M. Poncic L.I.C., N. Y.
Made in U.S.A.
Apon Record Company, Inc. P.O. Box 3082 Steinway Station Long Island City, N. Y. 11103
Printed in U.S.A.4