Bandura renditions of ukrainian melodies
Виконавець: Hryhory Kytasty
Альбом: Bandura renditions of ukrainian melodies including his own compositions
Видавець: RCA Custom Records – 804K-6024
Формат: Vinyl, 12″, 33 ⅓ RPM
Дата видання: не зазначено (~ 1966)
Джерело: колекція та оцифрування Andriy Vasylyk
Сторона 1 | |
01 | Ой там чумак… – народня пісня Song about chumak – folksong |
02 | Удовицю я любив… – народня пісня In love with a widow – folksong |
03 | Ой запив козак… – народня пісня Kozak and his horse – folksong |
04 | Львівські фрагменти – музика: Г.Китастий Memories of Lviv – music: Н.Kytasty |
05 | Про Явтуха – народня пісня Натіа! – folksong |
Сторона 2 | |
06 | Нагадай бандуро… – слова: Н.Калюжна, музика: Г.Китастий Remind me bandura… – lyrics: N.Kaluzna, music: Н.Kytasty |
07 | Невольницький плач – дума з 17-го століття Lament of the – duma — 17th century |
08 | Гомін степів – музика: Г.Китастий Sounds of the steppe – music: Н.Kytasty |
09 | Хоть у мене мужичок… – народня пісня My tiny mighty husband – folksong |
10 | У сусіда хата біла… – народня пісня Courting the girl next door – folksong |
11 | Як давно… – слова: О.Підсуха, музика: Г.Китастий Longing for Ukraine – lyrics: O.Pidsucha, music: Н.Kytasty |
HRYHORY KYTASTY, outstanding bandura virtuoso and conductor of the famous «Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus.» From his early youth Mr. Kytasty dedicated his life to music. He obtained his musical education at Kiev Conservatory of Music. A noted composer, as well as bandurist, his compositions are thoroughly permeated with Ukrainian folk elements.
Brilliant performances have brought wide acclaim to this remarkable artist from audiences throughout Europe and the United States.
His talents are those of a genuinely inspired musician.
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The bandura is a musical instrument of very old provenance, originating in Asia and coming into existence in Ukraine as a very popular instrument in the 16th century. It has 32 to 54 strings, ranging through five octaves, which are plucked by the fingers. The bandura unifies the principles of two instruments to a certain degree, that of the lute and harp. The sound of the bandura is somewhat emphatic but gentle. In the West instruments similar to the bandura were used by the Minstrels, who sang of fighting, adventures and love. This instrument was very suitable for recitals which were the vogue of those times. But as there was no possibility of developing this instrument, it fell into oblivion in the West.
The Ukrainian bandura has outlasted centuries, but keeping its particular qualities it is cultivated as a national instrument. The bandura, though in a somewhat modified form, is used by the Ukrainians to this date.
The Ukrainians feel a peculiar reverence for the bandura, because it seems that they owe to this very instrument the precious rhapsodies of the 15th-18th centuries, the so called «dumy.» In these «dumy» the heroic struggle for liberty are sung. This reference may have been intensified by the fact that the bandura was persecuted a long time in the Ukraine by the Czars since it re-calls the heroic past and the struggle for liberty to the minds of the people.